The aim of the present note is to show our methods and ideas to the scientific community and to the interested public to get useful feedback and to evaluate the magnitude of social support for our project.
/ Why and How Can We Decipher Brain Mechanisms in Three Years, 2013 – 2015
/ Brain Reverse Engineering
/ Main distinctions of the proposed project from the other known in the world attempts of the same profile
/ Knowledge Base
/Project manager

Dunin-BarkowskiDoctor of physics and mathematics, Head of the Department of Neuroinformatics at the Center for Optical Neural Technologies of the Scientific Research Institute for System Analysis of the Russian Academy of Sciences
/ The project stages
Preliminary stage (2011-2012)
The main working instrument of the project at this stage will be the internet-laboratory.
The working stage (2013-2015)
The forming of the program and of the methods of work will proceed in the course of the preliminary stage of the project.
/ Contact
To apply for taking part in the project please write to: (Only serious suggestions will be considered).