/ Articles

Brain Reverse Engineering


The internet-laboratory will present records (publications) of the group of theorist researches, who joined their efforts for collective intellectual works with the goal to understand the mechanisms of operation of human brain in general and in all details, which are necessary for the subsequent artificial re-creation of these mechanisms.

The main initial task of the laboratory will be creation of open-access scientific, technological and engineering internet-resource in a form of a specialized database of knowledge on mechanisms of brain work.

It is supposed that as a result of the planned work at the end of 2015 the project’s team will elaborate the full detailed description of the mechanisms of human brain. It will be possible to use this description to make (in yrs. 2018-2020) a full scale working analog of the human brain, based on technological (not biological) informational elements and devices. At the present stage the team for the project is under formation. It will include 21 persons of an advanced research level with background in physics and biophysics. The whole work will be divided into overlapping zones of responsibility. All basic elements of the project will be discussed in detail at general sessions of the team and in local group consultations.

Knowledge Base

The full database should constitute the result of the reverse engineering of all brain functions, presented in the form of the “Instruction to assemble the Artificial Brain”...


Main distinctions of the proposed project from the other known in the world attempts of the same profile

The project is in the field of the Artificial General Intelligence (AGI), based on detailed understanding and artificial re-creation of the informational processes in brain. Another direction of the AGI presents the synthesis of the AGI systems, based on general principles of physics and electronics and the essence of intellectual problems...


Why and How Can We Decipher Brain Mechanisms in Three Years, 2013 – 2015

The aim of the present note is to show our methods and ideas to the scientific community and to the interested public to get useful feedback and to evaluate the magnitude of social support for our project.

/Project manager
Witali L.
Doctor of physics and mathematics, Head of the Department of Neuroinformatics at the Center for Optical Neural Technologies of the Scientific Research Institute for System Analysis of the Russian Academy of Sciences

' If the job is to be taken seriously, we can get a detailed model of a brain prototype within five years or so. And since many research areas concerned with the subject develop in parallel, it may well be that we can achieve these results even faster...'

/ The project stages

Preliminary stage (2011-2012)

The main working instrument of the project at this stage will be the internet-laboratory.

The working stage (2013-2015)

The forming of the program and of the methods of work will proceed in the course of the preliminary stage of the project.

/ Contact

To apply for taking part in the project please write to: shkolamozg@ru.ru (Only serious suggestions will be considered).

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